Java Security for the Enterprise
Spotlight quote:
Nice to see your advise on killing happyaxis.jar; every so often I google for it to see if it is an issue. Also nice to see the WS-Security stuff.
   -- Steve Loughran, creator of happyaxis.jar


What are people saying about "J2EE Security ...":

"This book is one of the best books that I've reviewed. The author provides great information in a very readable and understandable manner."
    -- Robert W. Husted, Member, Technical Staff, Requisite Technology

"Pankaj manages to put his extensive programming skills into print. This book teaches the whole picture of J2EE and Web Service security. Its extensive coverage of all important standards will help you write correct and secure code. Buy it for the example code alone!"
    -- Hans Granqvist, VeriSign. Developed core parts of VeriSign's TSIK toolkit and Trust Gateway product.
"This book is a well written text providing a broad coverage of the many and varied security aspects of the Java platform. Despite the title, this book is valuable for developers using Java on both the J2SE and J2EE platforms.
With chapters covering the use of cryptographic primitives like Ciphers and Certificates, XML Signatures and Encryption, the Java Security Manager and the configuration of J2EE security for web applications and EJB's this is a book containing topics that will provide value to a wide audience of Java developers.

    -- Jon Eaves, Chief Technology Officer, ThoughtWorks Australia, developer of BouncyCastle Java Cryptographic APIs

"The need for security increases as web-based applications become more and more distributed across the Internet. In this book, Pankaj Kumar provides a very thorough coverage of the important standards, technologies, and best practices to consider when introducing security into your architecture. It also includes a good introduction to web services security, with good coverage of the Apache Axis platform, along with best practices for using SSL and WS-Security. I would highly recommend this book to any developer or architect considering application-level security in Java, J2EE, or web services."
    -- Chris Peltz, Senior Software Consultant, HP Developer Resources Organization

"A book on J2EE security and cryptography, so easy to read it is almost unbelievable. And yet, it does full justice to the subject and provides both a broad overview as well as details good for any security novice to get going with J2EE security in a short time. If you wanted to learn or use J2EE security without going to a formal training class, this is the right book for you."
    -- Manoj Kumar Shrivastava, President, Infomosaic Inc.

"I am very impressed with the completeness of the code developed to illustrate the security concepts. This book is a very good reference for professionals and tutorial for beginners."
    -- Sanjay P Ghatare, Principal Software Engineer, Oblix.


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